As a followup to its flagship Opteron 6300 launch last month, AMD has just released several more Piledriver-based processors meant for the server room. One eight-core and two quad-core models are part of the Opteron 3300 series, while the Opteron 4300 series gets six new CPUs: one quad-core, three six-core and two eight-core designs. With all this new silicon, IT pros may have concerns about compatibility issues -- but fear not, for all of AMD's new gear has sockets that fit in with the 3200 and 4200 series to make upgrading a painless process. Designed for small-to-medium sized businesses and web host servers, the chips are relatively inexpensive with prices ranging from $174 to $501, a far cry from the the $575 to $1,392 price of the higher-end 6300.
Despite the low cost, AMD claims the CPUs have a 24 percent performance per watt increase and 15 percent less power usage than their predecessors. The chip maker will likely still face an uphill battle against Intel's mighty Xeon, but businesses looking to save a little cash might be the Opteron's saving grace. There's more detailed specs on the newly announced processors at the source, and you can get a peek at the pricing table after the break.
Continue reading AMD reveals Opteron 3300 and 4300 processors for the penny-pinching enterprise
Via: PC Perspective
Source: AMD
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