Thursday, July 26, 2012

Where To Begin Internet Marketing For Beginners - Online Mentor ...

Where to begin Internet marketing for the beginner will only include a few simple platforms. While many might believe this will be complicated and far too time consuming, they could not be any further from the truth.

Getting started with Internet marketing for any newbie can be somewhat frustrating. There are so many people online today, guru or not, telling you what is the best way to generate traffic that you can get lost in a hurry.

There are also those who are screaming in your face about how to create content, sales copy and sales funnels to build that all important list. Here we will forget the hyperbole of magic words, software and other wishful thinking that usually comes with most offers out here and get into the facts that are both practiced, and proved.

Marketing online is simple, all kidding aside, it is easy to learn and implement if you have the right information, tools and gumption to use them. This is where most people fail, having and keeping the gumption. There will be no success without perseverance.

Jumping in without any idea of what you may not be the biggest mistake, but one that will definitely have you sick and tired of the whole ?online thing? in no time. Your best bet is too learn first, then choose what platforms and tools best suit your business needs first.

As a beginner to Internet marketing and building your business and brand online, there are only a few platforms you will have to partake in and understand.These will include blogging, search engine optimization, video marketing, sales funnel and some social media.

While there are all kinds of hype online abut the best Internet marketing traffic driving software, these few simple platforms have proved the best time and time again. Of course not all the software is horrible and all the guru services, but they are not as needed as they portray.

Having a centralized home (presence) online like a blog is a must today. Without blogging, article marketing can be a scary proposition if that is the only way for you to share information about your products, services or opportunities.

WordPress, especially a self hosted blog with WordPress, is the best platform for any beginner to Internet marketing. This simple content management system is easy to learn and is probably, next to video, the best place to build content that converts.

Search Engine Optimization, what do you say? I know this and so will you, it is not as a confusing or complicated to learn than it sounds. Learning keyword research and how to use these words and phrases properly to gain better ranking for your content is easy, even I can do it.

This strategy is most important however. Even if you write and create a great video, without understanding how important titles, anchor text and latent Semantic Indexing are, you could be creating content that shows up on page 100 of a search, and that will never be seen.

Video marketing is not just for goofy kids and home videos any more. Video is becoming the number one platform online for information consumption. With this platform becoming so important, learning some simple strategies to better your chance of ranking with them is a must.

Adding multimedia like video to your blogging efforts should be a must. Sharing each video with your social profiles should also be a must to practice. Most people however, seem to get nervous when it comes to this particular marketing platform and strategy. I say, ?get over it and do it!?

Facebook, Google Plus, LinkedIn and Twitter, ever heard of them? Of course. Social Media Marketing and learning SMO (Social Media Optimization) is becoming not only a must as well, but a serious metric for search engines and ranking factors today.

It is not enough to have a killer Facebook page, as a matter of fact, having a cool looking page means nothing to most people. What does matter however, is the fact that you are engaged within your community and those wanting to learn more about YOU.internet marketing

Social media engagement is fast becoming a measurement for determining good content by looking at the brand itself. What I mean is this; when sharing your content like a blog post or video, this should also follow up with some engagement when posting it to your social profiles.

Sales funnels and e-mail marketing is basically just follow through. This is where you will follow through converting the traffic you see by creating first a reason to ?learn more? from you. This is followed by giving them the information and reason to partake in what you have to offer.

Internet Marketing Made Easy

There is a learning curve for any beginner to Internet marketing, just like any other new thing you decide to try. This is easy though, not kidding. For those looking to generate a better brand for their local business, affiliate products or network marketing opportunities, there is no better ROI when it comes to a little time invested than marketing online.

If you believe this outlet for building a brand and business online, you are very, very WRONG. Where to begin is by creating a solid ?presence? online (i.e. blog and social media profiles). After that, it is all about creating the kind of content that people want to take a few minutes to know more about, that?s all there is to success online.

Related posts:

  1. Don?t Be Shy, Video Marketing Basics for Beginners
  2. Day to Day Internet Marketing Strategies and Practices
  3. Internet Marketing Mentoring and Coaching | Do You Need Help?
  4. Want More Traffic Online? Own More Internet?


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